An Innovative Shared Web Hosting System
Setting up your own shared web hosting system is truly a demanding and prolonged task. It is usually very costly – you put in both time and money within a challenge. This is why we set–up our own secure and well–tested shared web hosting platform.
Everything runs using a greatly altered version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux), that’s essentially, the most risk–free, if not the most protected operating systems on the market. And in addition we have picked a couple of trusted hardware components that wont break that easily. This is what permits us to guarantee you a 99.9% uptime for all of your websites.
Our shared web hosting system will in addition provide you an extra–fast connection worldwide. All our physical machines are hosted in top–notch datacenters situated in various areas of the world, and also in each individual datacenter we’ve engineered a custom internal network. Built with top–quality hardware from Juniper, the network allows a quick connection worldwide. And it also permits us to ensure a 99.9% network uptime with all our web hosting services in each of the datacenters.
Shared Hosting
$5.25/mo. - 1 Hosted Domain(s)
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Monthly Traffic
- Compare Shared Hosting
$6.00/mo. - 1 CPU Core(s)
- 1024 MB RAM
- 20 GB Disk Space
- Compare OpenVZ VPS
Domain Names
- .ACADEMY - $40.99/year
- .AI - $86.99/year
- .BARGAINS - $30.99/year
- Compare Domain Names
Website Control Panel
One of our targets is to always make it possible for one to build something superb on the Internet and for it to be as easy as possible. This is why we developed our own shared web hosting system. And this is likewise the main reason why we designed our customized Website Control Panel. It is intended to be the sole management panel you need for web site and domain administration. And it lives in the cloud.
To help you reduce the energy maintaining your hosting account and focus on your website instead, we’ve developed lots of efficient tools. The File Manager permits you to upload files by merely dragging them inside your Internet browser over a secure and protected connection, without having to use any FTP clients. What’s more, you are able to control a plenty of websites in the one and the same location. Thanks to the Domain Manager, it’s possible to deal with all of your domain names concurrently. We can start gathering stats for one’s sites as soon as they go online, with not any configuration necessary from you – you can go to the Statistics Manager.
You will possess numerous 100% free tools available too. With the Web Based Site Installer, you’ll be able to roll–out a new site using a distinctive theme in precisely 4 easy steps. It is easy to deploy any of the 40+ web applications through our Web Applications tool with no setup required. You can create custom websites and never having to create a single line of HTML code by using our Free Of Charge Website Generator. You can actually supercharge your your website with our group of Web Site Accelerator Programs. And that is just a compact list of all the resources that exist with our Website Control Panel.
Service guarantees
- Each of our bundles is put together for you at no charge. 30–day reimbursement. 99.9% service uptime. 30–min response time.
Compare our prices
- Take a quick look at the tools and features provided by all of our website hosting bundles. You could start off with a smaller plan and move up with just a mouse click as your web site evolves.
- Compare our hosting plans
Why Us
- Like a dependable hosting service in top datacenters with HosterAT. Obtain the best connection rates for your websites.
Contact Us
- It is possible to make contact with us all through working hours on the phone for just about any general details.