Assistance Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 60–minutes Inquiry Response Guarantee

  • Our crew of technicians will try their best to reply to your advice enquiries within less than 1 hour. If, however, the issue you have encountered calls for the assistance of our Administrators’ =Department,= we’ll forward the ticket to the technician on duty and will write a reply to let you know.

  • Top quality support service
  • Top–class Customer Assist Service

  • We offer around the clock tech assistance by using a super–fast ticket platform included in your Control Panel. You’re able to email us whenever you want about any of the packages that come installed in advance on the virtual server, which include the chosen Linux OS, the server administration panel and our in–house made Website Control Panel.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • In the Website Control Panel that is included free of charge with your virtual server, you can find an insightful Help section, which incorporates all you should be informed on when working with your web sites and software packages. We have integrated a wide selection of how to articles and reviews and video courses that demonstrate the common website administration duties in an easy to read form.